Sunday, 21 July 2013

Changing UIDs of service accounts on Linux

About a month ago I was setting up a proprietary identity management solution on headless Linux servers. During the installation process I tried to keep the number of installed packages and libraries to the bare minimum, to create an as-lean-as-possible setup as opposed to the bloated 'typical' deployments.

This goal in tandem with my choice to use the most up to date version of the target Linux distribution resulted in an 'advanced' installation procedure using the command line. While it was no surprise that the graphical installshield wizard did not start due to missing libraries on the headless server, it surprise me that non-GUI installation failed each time during setting up service accounts.

Having tried various combinations, disabling SELinux, and even creating the service account manually before re-running the installer, it still kept failing. A quick search on the internet did not yield any useful hint, but looking deeper, so I investigated further. Enabled debug logging for the installshield wizard, then extracted the embedded Java installer from the blob, and found that various native binaries are unpacked and executed during the installation process.

One of these binaries was linked against an older version of a shared library ( that was not available in any of the packages any more. As a quick and dirty workaround I quickly created a symlink with that name pointing to, and confirmed this resolved the problem.

The installation was successful, however, it left me with a technical user and group that I did not fancy.

$ grep ldap /etc/passwd /etc/group

  • First and foremost, I prefer technical accounts to have numberic UIDs from the range reserved for system accounts, as opposed to having them created as normal users. This range varies by distribution, RedHat & SuSE based distros reserve UIDs smaller than 500 for system accounts while Debian based ones create normal users with the first available UID after 999.
  • If I have the control over the numeric values, I prefer to introduce some semantics into the naming convention, like creating the technical user for an LDAP server with UID 389. This is just a cosmetic point with no real impact, but as I had to change the UID anyway...
  • Last but not least, I very strongly dislike if the group which is the dedicated primary group of a service account, uses the same name as the service user but a different numeric ID.

This post will cover the commands I applied to fix the UID and GID of the service user and group. File ownership is automatically fixed, but only for the files under the home directory (and mail spool) of the user, so additional commands were needed to also fix file ownership or files located elsewhere.

$ find / -user idsldap | less
$ usermod -u 389 idsldap
$ find / -user idsldap | less # you see that ownership is only updated under the home directory and mail spool
$ find / -user 502 | less # the old uid is still present on other files
$ find / -user 502 -exec chown idsldap {} \;
$ find / -user 502 | less # almost done, but by default, symbolic links are dereferenced, therefore not affected.
$ find / -user 502 -exec chown -h idsldap {} \;
$ find / -user 502 # none - confirms we are done.

$ find / -group 501 | less
$ groupmod -g 389 idsldap
$ find / -group 501 -exec chgrp -h idsldap {} \;
$ find / -group 501 # confirm we are done
$ find / -group idsldap | less # this gives the same output the first group related command

While most people probably would not put any effort into changing UIDs but rather leave it that way or reinstall from scratch, I do believe that this case was worth investing a bit of extra time.

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