Sunday, 6 January 2013

Security & compliance related adjustments

After having installed the base system, it was time to go productive. This required migrating my work-related stuff from the T400 box to my new W530. But before copying any sensitive information to the thinkpad, a few security measures had to be taken...

According to ITCS 300, the information I need to store on my thinkpad makes whole disk encryption necessary. The purpose of disk encryption is to protect sensitive information even in the case when a physically present attacker gains physical control over your computer or hard drive. Encrypting critical files or even the whole home partition would not be enough - think about the swap partition where in-memory data is saved to. Even if software based full disk encryption is used, there are cold boot attack methods to gain access to encryption keys or other memory content. This is why Bitlocker of even LUKS based full disk encryption alone do not yield an universal solution.

Firmware setup

I acquired a self encrypting disk featuring FIPS certified hardware based full disk encryption with AES-256. It allows me to set up an ITCS 300 compliant thinkpad without any impact on performance or battery life imposed by software based full disk encryption such as LUKS. Moreover, it is more secure than LUKS, as the encryption key never has to leave the SSD, so is not even copied to main memory. All one has to do is enable the hard disk password in the firmware menu.

Physical disassembly of the device in order to bypass the hard disk password check would not impose a security risk to the extent present on traditional rotating disks, where replacing the electronic circuit board would simply allow the attacher to gain access to the data without the password. All data is encrypted with a 256 bit key, and the key resides on the SSD controller itself and never leaves it. When a HDD password is set and forgotten, the encryption key is not accessible and cannot be recovered in any way through disassembling the drive - at least this is true in the case the AES encryption key is not stored plain after setting the password, but scrambled/encrypted using the password or the hash thereof.

To make the long story short, I set both user and master passwords on the SSD from within the firmware setup menu. For a more detailed explanation on why both user and master passwords were set, or why the firmware setup menu was used, I recommend to read my post on the topic from December 2012.

Additionally, I also enabled the supervisor password of the thinkpad, but decided not to use a power-on password. In the way I configured the firmware, one can boot the thinkpad without any password, even select the boot device from a supervisor-controlled, preconfigured menu. The hard drive password will be asked anyways unless booting from another device. Configuring a power-on password with a value which is identical to the hard disk password would allow the thinkpad to only ask for the password once and re-use it, however this would not increase, but decrease the security level of the system. There are known attacks worth to be aware of that exploit this scenario to gain access to the hard disk password by cracking the power-on password, even if a security chip is present on the motherboard.

Disabling the guest session in lightdm

While this is not a real security concern at all, I opted to disable the guest session by altering the lightdm configuration file as follows:

echo “allow-guest=false” | sudo tee -a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Honestly, I do not see any benefits of this feature in a corporate environment...

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